New paper
The structural geology group recently published a paper on their research conducted in the BedrettoLab and its surrounding mountain massif. By combining field analysis with microstructural, chemical, and geochronological methods, they clarified the geological age and structural evolution of the area.
The granite features four main classes of deformation structures, indicating a sequence of brittle and ductile shear zones. These findings are crucial for ongoing and future projects at BedrettoLab, as they show that the structural framework of the Rotondo granite is primarily defined by old brittle faults and fractures, rather than just ductile shear zones. Understanding this complex deformation history provides important insights for our research and projects targeting fault zone reactivation.
Link to paper:
Ceccato, A., Behr, W. M., Zappone, A. S., Tavazzani, L., & Giuliani, A. (2024). Structural evolution, exhumation rates, and rheology of the European crust during Alpine collision: Constraints from the Rotondo granite—Gotthard nappe. Tectonics, 43, e2023TC008219. https://doi.org/10.1029/2023TC008219