Logo Bedretto Lab and logo ETH Zurich



Bedretto Underground Laboratory for Geosciences and Geoenergies

ETH Zurich

Sonneggstrasse 5

8092 Zurich


Media Enquiries

For media enquiries please contact Michèle Marti (head of communications) or Stefanie Zeller.

Visiting the BedrettoLab


The Bedretto Lab is located on the gravel pit close to Ronco (Bedretto) in Ticino, Switzerland. View the Lab's location on the map.

Visits to the Lab are possible by appointment only. Please refer to the FAQ (Visiting the Bedretto Lab) for more information.

Download the instructions on how to reach the Lab here (incl. meeting point, public transportation stop and timetable, car park).

Scarica qui le indicazioni per raggiungere il laboratorio (incl. punto di ritrovo, fermata e orario dei mezzi pubblici, posteggio).