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Data protection

Privacy Policy

We are committed to protecting your privacy. To the “Bedretto Underground Laboratory for Geoenergies” the protection not only of your personal but the safety and security of all data that is handled within this project is important. As part of this effort, we process personal data in accordance with the Swiss Data Protection Law and, where applicable, with EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”).


This website uses cookies. Cookies are small text files that are stored permanently or temporarily on your computer when you visit this website. Their main function is to analyses how a website is used, both for statistical evaluation and to help continually improve the site. You can set your browser to partly or completely deactivate cookies at any time; once cookies have been deactivated, however, some features of this website may not function properly.


For analysing the use of Bedretto Lab web pages as well as potential errors, the Bedretto Underground Laboratory for Geoenergies logs http requests including IP addresses, browser versions and referrer URLs. This allows us to follow which web pages and ressources are looged at, without identifiying individual users or recognizing them individually on return. Web logs are stored confidentially and not shared with any other institution or company.

Instagram / curator.io 

This page embeds Instagram posts via curator.io, and thus allows setting and reading of cookies by Instagram inc. and curator.io and their business partners. Cookies allow to track you and your online behavior individually on our respective pages (including referrer and exit targets), as well as across all other web sites with content of Instagram inc. and curator.io or their business partners that you may visit, according to the terms of Instagram inc. and curator.io and their business partners.