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New paper

Multiscale seismic monitoring in the BedrettoLab

Multiscale seismic monitoring in the BedrettoLab

The seismology team recently published a paper highlighting the seismic monitoring capabilities at the BedrettoLab. It focuses on the dense seismic network deployed for real-time monitoring of natural and induced seismicity, generating high-resolution earthquake catalogs and event-based alerts for an advanced traffic-light system.

Two real-time monitoring systems, based on the SeisComP framework, monitor both background seismicity and injection experiments, utilizing a range of sensors with varying sampling rates. The standardized workflow for data processing includes automatic picking, phase association, magnitude estimation, double-difference relocation, and waveform cross-correlation, facilitating novel methods in seismology.

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Maria Mesimeri, Luca Scarabello, Eric Zimmermann, Thomas Haag, Emil Zylis, Linus Villiger, Philipp Kaestli, Men-Andrin Meier, Antonio Pio Rinaldi, Anne Obermann, Marian Hertrich, John Clinton, Domenico Giardini, Stefan Wiemer; Multiscale Seismic Monitoring in the Bedretto Underground Laboratory for Geosciences and Geoenergies (BULGG). Seismological Research Letters 2024; doi: https://doi.org/10.1785/0220240128