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BedrettoLab Open Days

BedrettoLab Open Days

Last weekend, more than 200 visitors came to Bedretto and toured the BedrettoLab.

On Friday, 2 June, collaborators of the Earth Science Department of ETH Zurich were invited to see what the BedrettoLab team has built over the last few years. In each of the five tours, three members of the BedrettoLab team guided around 20 visitors through the tunnel, 2.5 km to the BedrettoLab and back. This event was an excellent opportunity to not only show the infrastructure and provide insights into current research projects but also to foster the research network within the Earth Science Department community.

The next day, the BedrettoLab opened its doors to the public. Around 100 interested people signed up for the six guided tours to explore the BedrettoLab. With the long Covid related break that made public tours impossible, this event marked a milestone to present the lab to the public and show what has been set up since the inauguration of the BedrettoLab in 2019.