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Mangia e Cammina at the BedrettoLab

Mangia e Cammina at the BedrettoLab

Yesterday, on August 13th, the BedrettoLab was part of the local event 'Mangia e Cammina'. About 1,200 visitors hiked through the Bedretto valley, ending their tour at the entrance of the Bedretto tunnel. There, the BedrettoLab team, supported by SUPSI students, organized various activities.

Visitors enjoyed a small rock exhibition explaining rock formation, tested their hammer strength using a seismic sensor, and explored a photo exhibition showcasing our laboratory work. A new highlight was guided tours operated with a trailer attached to the tunnel vehicle. Within three tours, the trailer accommodated around 12 hikers, providing them a view of the Bedretto tunnel and the BedrettoLab.

'Mangia e Cammina' once again offered an excellent opportunity to introduce the BedrettoLab to the public.